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Consultation is open for Breast & Endocrine Surgery (adult),  Cardiology (adult),  Gastroenterology (paediatric), Orthopaedics (adult) and Vascular (adult) CPCs.

About the CPC

The CPC were developed by clinicians for use by referring health professionals, often General Practitioners, to assist with decisions about referral into public specialist outpatient services.

The CPC are clinical decision-making support tools that assist in ensuring referred patients are accepted and categorised based on standardised statewide clinical referral criteria.

The CPC help to ensure the public and health professionals have access to consistent and accurate information regarding referral criteria and clinical urgency categories for each specialty, along with the diagnostics to be performed prior to referral.

Feedback and enquiries

To provide feedback regarding the Clinical Prioritisation Criteria or to enquire about the project, please email us at

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