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Catalogue of Healthy Living Resources available to download or order through Templar Distribution
Preventive health and wellbeing is about all of us; the way we live our lives, the opportunities and chances we have and the communities and environments we live in. Preventive health is about preventing disease rather than treating disease. Our health comes from more than our individual choices. Put simply our health is determined by the circumstances in which we are born, grow, live, work and age (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2012: Australia’s Health 2012).
Many of the determinants of health are outside of the direct control of the health sector, however by building strong partnerships across all spheres of government and community, we can plan, collaborate and work together to use our strengths to make South Australia a better place to live.
SA Health, including the Public Health Partnerships Branch works with a range of partners to improve the health and wellbeing of all South Australians by supporting implementation of the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 and the South Australian Public Health Plan “South Australia: A Better Place to Live” with a priority focus on two action areas:
The following are used to promote health and wellbeing to all South Australians.
SA Health does not provide sponsorship for community events.
Tracking and identifying trends in population health, including risk factors and chronic disease, can be done through the South Australian Population Health Survey, which provides information and links to key reports on:
SA Health also produces reports on the following within the health statistics page:
Nationally, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) regularly reports on Australia’s health, including a wide variety of risk factors and chronic diseases.
We receive a lot of requests from students and the general public of all ages for information about health topics such as nutrition, physical activity, obesity, health promotion, data and statistics, and what the Government is doing to improve health.
Unfortunately, we are unable to answer individual enquiries or send out hard copies of documents. However, to help you find the information you need we have provided links to commonly requested documents and information.
Includes information about SA Health, how to access information, health statistics, Local Health Networks, publications, research and legislation.
The Australian Health Promotion Association provides information on Health Promotion, the Ottawa Charter and what is going on in South Australia in Health Promotion.
See the World Health Organization health promotion glossary which explains commonly used health promotion terms.
The World Health Organization states that ‘the social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local levels. The social determinants of health are mostly responsible for health inequities - the unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between countries’.
A report published by the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe titled Social Determinants of Health: The Solid Facts, explores ten key determinants and their interaction with health outcomes. These ten key determinants are:
The SA Health's healthy weight page provides information on:
SA Health's healthy eating page provides information on topics such as:
Learn more about physical activity on the Preventive Health SA website.
SA Health's healthy places page provides information on where we:
Better Health is a free confidential information and telephone based coaching service that helps adults make lifestyle changes in relation to healthy eating, being physically active and achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
While there is no longer national or state television advertising for the following campaigns, a number of useful resources are still available:
Below are the answers to a number of questions that we are commonly asked. If you are unable to find what you are looking for through the links above, please go to the Healthy living section on this website for more information.
There are many things you can do! The following list of programs and websites has ideas and suggestions to help you get started on your weight loss goal. Always consult your GP before you commence a weight loss program.
The Australian Dietary Guidelines provides information about the types and amounts of foods, food groups and dietary patterns that:
The Australian Dietary Guidelines apply to all healthy Australians, as well as those with common health conditions such as being overweight. They do not apply to people who need special dietary advice for a medical condition, or to the frail elderly.
If you are still unsure and want specific advice about your individual needs, you can contact an Accredited Practising Dietitian. See Is there anyone I can talk to about what I should be eating? for details on how to find a Dietitian.
For individual and/or group advice on healthy eating/healthy lifestyle, a list of private practising dietitians can be found by going to the Dietitians Association of Australia website. Click on the 'Find an APD' section and then enter 'SA' into the state search box. This will bring up a list of Accredited Practising Dietitians and what services they provide. You will then need to contact a dietitian individually to check about their fees and availability. You could also try contacting the dietitian located in your nearest GP Plus Health Care Centre.
You can ask your GP for some general information on healthy eating. Dietitians are qualified professionals trained to give dietary advice specific to your needs, whether it be for general health, or for a specific health condition. Generally if you have been diagnosed with a problem that requires a special diet (for example type 2 diabetes or a high cholesterol level), your doctor will refer you to a Dietitian for dietary advice.
Dietitians work in both the public and private sector. You could try contacting your local health service or GP Plus Health Care Centre who may have a Dietitian available for individual advice. Depending on your particular situation, they may be able to provide some suggestions about relevant programs. Try the National Health Services Directory to find the nearest health service or dietitian near you.
Another option is to see a private Accredited Practising Dietitian. For a list of private practising dietitians in a specific area, go to the website of the Dietitians Association of Australia and then click on the 'Find an APD' section and then enter 'SA' into the state search box. This will bring up a list of Accredited Practising Dietitians and what services they provide. You will then need to contact a dietitian individually for information about their fees and availability.
See Is there anyone I can talk to about what I should be eating? for details on how to find a Dietitian.
Diabetes SA is devoted to assisting people with diabetes in South Australia. The website is packed with information and links to useful resources.
The Heart Foundation website has all sorts of information about cholesterol, fats, and heart disease.
It is important that we eat a healthy diet with a wide range of foods from each of the five food groups so we get all the nutrients we need for good health - whether or not we are vegetarian.
The link below provides some general advice about vegetarianism. If you require personal advice you should consult an Accredited Practising Dietitian. See Is there anyone I can talk to about what I should be eating? for details on how to find a Dietitian.
Vegetarian alternatives to meat and dairy foods are included in the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.
The level of physical activity you need to do depends on your age:
There are many ways you can incorporate more physical activity into your day.
We now live in a state where more people are overweight or obese than in the healthy weight range. If we do not reverse this trend, large numbers of our population will face deteriorating health and a lower quality of life and our economy will need to bear the burden of increased costs to the health system. The scale of the challenge requires widespread, coordinated and sustained action by more individuals and organisations. Ultimately only individuals can change what they eat or how much physical activity they do. But, it's easier to change behaviour and adopt healthy living habits when the people around us value and support good health. The more supportive the physical and social environment, the easier it is to be healthy.
The South Australian government has a strong commitment to a healthy and active State where communities are safer and healthier, children can learn better, our lifestyle is more sustainable and our population is more productive.
In South Australia, there is a specific target in South Australia's Strategic Plan to increase the proportion of South Australian adults and children at a healthy body weight by 5% by 2017. Also, the Eat Well Be Active Strategy for South Australia 2011-2016 was developed as a plan of action to address this target.
The Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) Right Bite Healthy Food Supply Strategy for South Australian Schools is the major strategy impacting on food supply and healthy eating promotion in the school environment, at a policy level, in SA.
SA Health has two resource order forms; one is for consumers and the other for community groups. Visit our Healthy living section to select the right order form for you.
SA Health monitors population health status and trends for a range of health risk factors and chronic diseases to assist in the planning, implementation and evaluation of health services, policies and programs. A selection of South Australian reports is available for public use:
The Public Health Information Development Unit (PHIDU) provides data on health and its determinants in Australia. For information on social, economic and health inequalities the Social Health Atlas of Australia is available on their website.
Nationally, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) regularly reports on Australia's Health and a wide variety of risk factors and chronic diseases.
Body image is the way we think, feel, and see our own body. Someone who has a positive body image is generally happy with how they think, feel, and see their body. On the other hand, someone with a negative body image has negative thoughts and feelings about their body.
A positive body image is important because it helps our psychological health and development.
SA Health provide specialist services for people with body image and eating disorders.
The Australian Government has several initiatives around body image.
The VicHealth website has links to the latest research on a range of topics including obesity