Healthy communities

To make our state the healthiest state, we need to make healthy choices easy for all South Australians. 

Healthy communities are where we learn, work, eat, play and shop; and resources, ideas, tools and programs are available to help staff and volunteers make local places within their community healthier.

Whether you are a council, community group or centre, service club, sporting club, hospitality business, food outlet, large or small business, there are plenty of ways you can boost your community’s health and vibrancy through healthy eating and physical activity.

Look at the tools and information in this section and choose what suits your community, group, service or business. Small changes can make a big difference.

Community settings

Different community settings include:

  • Early Childhood Settings: Establishing healthy lifestyle habits in the first five years of life can result in better health throughout childhood, the teenage years and into adulthood.
  • Schools: A Healthy School provides the perfect setting to encourage children and teenagers to be healthier in all aspects of their life.
  • Workplaces: Workplace health programs make good business sense, producing returns on investment through cost savings and increased productivity. Workplaces are an ideal setting for employers to encourage employees to make ‘the healthy choice, the easy choice’.
  • Local Community: The community that we live in can have a real impact on our health. Community groups, services and local businesses can all make easy changes to promote healthy eating and physical activity.
  • Supermarkets: Local supermarkets can play a vital role in guiding the shopper towards healthier shopping by providing and promoting a large range of healthy foods and drinks in their store.