South Australian Medicines Advisory Committee (SAMAC)

The South Australian Medicines Advisory Committee (SAMAC) was established in July 2010 as an expert Tier One committee of the SA Department for Health and Wellbeing to encourage the appropriate, equitable, safe, and cost-effective use of medicines in SA.

SAMAC provides a forum for discussion, engagement and development of policy and advice for SA Health, South Australian hospitals and healthcare professionals for the delivery of advice on the equitable and quality use of medicines to provide all South Australians with access to quality, safe, complete and affordable health care.

SAMAC's role

The role of SAMAC includes:

  • Promoting consistency in the development and endorsement of policy, guidelines and strategies relating to the quality use of medicines within South Australia.
  • Providing an objective evaluation of the clinical benefits, safety and costs of medicines that are proposed for use in public health facilities to promote rational and cost effective therapeutic drug use.
  • Undertaking activities relating to the monitoring of medicines use to ensure best practice.
  • Providing a forum for discussion, engagement and expert advice in regards to priority areas and strategic risks arising in medicines use across SA Health
  • Dissemination of medicines advice to the community, enabling consumers to make informed decisions on the use of medicines.

SAMAC membership

Chaired by Professor Randall Faull, SAMAC is composed of representatives covering the spectrum of health disciplines across the public and private sectors and other bodies with an interest in the use of medicines, Including:  

Chair Professor Randall Faull, Senior Consultant in Nephrology
Medical Lead, Royal Adelaide Hospital,
Convenor Naomi Burgess, Chief Pharmacist , SA Health
Senior Pharmacist/Executive Officer, Office of the Chief Pharmacist

Chief Medical Officer, SA Health
Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer, SA Health
Chief Psychiatrist, SA Health
Director, Medicine and Technology Programs, Office of the Chief Pharmacist
Executive Director, SA Pharmacy
Community Pharmacy Representative
Hospital Pharmacy Representative  
General Practice / Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Representative
Private Hospitals Representative  
Consumer Representative/s

Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN):

  • Chair CALHN DTC
  • CALHN representative

Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN):

  • Chair NALHN DTC
  • NALHN representative

Regional Local Health Networks (RLHN):

  • Chair RLHNs DTAC
  • RLHN representative

Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN):

  • Chair SALHN DTC
  • SALHN representative

Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCH):

  • Chair WCH DTC
  • WCH representative

SA Expert Advisory Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (SAAGAR), Chair
SA Health Cancer Drug Committee (SAHCDC), Chair
SA Formulary Committee (SAFC), Chair
SA Medicines Evaluation Panel (SAMEP), Chair
SA Psychotropic Drugs Committee (SAPDC), Chair

SAMAC sub-committees and working groups

SAMAC is supported by multidisciplinary expert standing committees and working groups to address specific medicines issues. These committees provide stakeholders with opportunities for robust discussion, debate, and evaluation of medicines issues. Current SAMAC sub-committees include:


SAMAC welcomes communication regarding SAMAC initiatives and issues affecting medicines and medicines use across South Australia, particularly issues relevant to SA Health. For further information about SAMAC, please contact the SAMAC Executive Officer by or phone (08) 8204 1941.