Ceduna District Health Services

Contact details

Ceduna Hospital

For all emergencies phone 000

Postal address: PO Box 178 Ceduna SA 5690 

The Ceduna District Health Services is run by the Eyre and Far North Local Health Network and includes Ceduna Hospital.

Ceduna Hospital has 15 inpatient beds and provides services including emergency, surgical, general medicine, birthing, renal dialysis, diagnostic radiology and outpatients.

There are also residential aged care services provided within the hospital, at the Kuhlmann Wing and Ceduna Senior Citizens Village.

There is also a GP family practice, Community Health services, Allied Health services, and Child, Adolescent and Adult Mental Health services offered on the hospital site.

To visit the Ceduna District Health Services, use the one main reception point entrance, located at 3 Eyre Highway, Ceduna. After hours health care services are accessible via the Casualty Emergency entrance.

Mental Health Emergencies

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency you can present to the accident and emergency service at Ceduna District Health Service.

Alternatively, contact the Rural and Remote Mental Health Service on 13 14 65 for mental health counselling, support and information 24 hours, 7 days.

Car Parking

There is parking onsite, including disabled parking.

Disabled Access

The building is wheelchair accessible and there are toilets for people with disability. Please ask at Reception.

Visiting Hours

General Wards: 10.00 am to 8.00 pm.

Medical Imaging

Medical imaging provider, Jones and Partners, provides services at Ceduna Hospital, including ultrasound and plain x-rays.

To book or for more information, please phone Jones and Partners on (08) 8600 9580.

We welcome your feedback to help us improve our services

If you have any feedback about your experience or any other aspect of our service, we would like to hear from you.

Your feedback might be a compliment, a complaint, or a suggestion. Whatever it is, your feedback is important, and we are listening.

You can share your feedback by email Health.EFNConsumerFeedback@sa.gov.au or by calling us on 0401 772 141.

Further information is available on Feedback and complaints | SA Health