Future Directions to Safeguard the Rights of Older South Australians
South Australia’s Office for Ageing Well, is committed to a whole-of-life-course approach to the health and wellbeing of older South Australians.
Anyone, regardless of their age maintains the right to make decisions affecting their life, finances, where they live, health care, and lifestyle, and to have these rights respected by others.
Getting older does not mean these decisions are any less important, nor should it be assumed that they need to be made by others on someone’s behalf.
Understanding older people’s rights and enabling them to maintain their independence and retain control of important decisions, can help them to continue to exercise those rights and to make informed decisions, as they age.
The Statement on the Rights and Freedoms of Older South Australians (formerly the Charter of the Rights and Freedoms of Older South Australians) is informed by human rights principles.
The statement contains principles that are rights-based rather than needs-based, as needs change over time but human rights remain constant.
Office for Ageing Well works with and for South Australia’s older people, and government, non-government organisations, community groups and networks on projects and programs designed to safeguard rights.
Find out more: Future Directions to Safeguard the Rights of Older South Australians 2023-2027 (PDF 2MB).